Lee Dziekan N8LJ
My radio career began in the early 60’s with the arrival of a Philmore Crystal Radio kit. Stringing wire through the house and yard was really a fun thing to do when trying to hear that far away AM broadcast station. A year or so later a Hallicrafters S-120 short wave receiver arrived and the world of radio really opened up. BBC, Radio Moscow, and a group of hams hanging out on 1806 kHz were heard almost every evening.
In 1967 my Amateur Radio Career started as WN8ZLE. I worked my first DX, DJ1HS, on 15 meters and I was hooked. I upgraded to General Class about a year later. Over the years, I’ve focused on DX’ing, casual contesting and some rag chewing on cw, ssb and digi modes. In 1996 with the vanity call sign program I obtained N8LJ. I’ve attained DXCC Honor Roll, 9BDXCC, 5BWAZ, and I’m approaching 2500 Challenger points. My next ham radio goals are to become more active on 6 meters and try the JT modes on 6 and 160 meters.
I enjoy the camaraderie that goes with casual contesting and special events. Field Day, Museum Ships Weekend, Straight Key Century Club, MIQRP group, Michigan QSO Party, and the occasional big league multi-multi contest. I’ve participated in several DXpeditions as YN2LJ, VQ5D, V31LJ, VP5/N8LJ, VP2MLJ, A35LT, 3D2LJ, and T32LJ.
I maintain and restore boat anchors obtained over the years. They usually represent station equipment I’ve owned or had an association with in the past.
My amateur radio interest propelled me to a career in the electronics field. I graduated from Wayne State University and spent 35 years in electrical product development at Chrysler Corporation.
My current radio club related positions are Secretary of the Lapeer County Amateur Radio Association, Director of the Michigan QRP Club, and Director and call sign trustee for the Southeastern Michigan DX Association. I am also an ARRL member.
If elected to the Board of Directors of the Michigan QRP organization I hope to introduce different ways to offer different methods, operation events & camaraderie to the group.