Ric Peterson KD8QNZ
I am a retired CPA and have been the MIQRP Treasurer (a/k/a MIQRP Bagman) for about three years. My time as a Ham hobbyist is short. At 60 years old, while sitting on a Lake Michigan Beach, my study began for the Technician ticket, during the next eight years the Extra hurdle was achieved.
As an early teenager listening to shortwave, on old tube radios from the 30s through 50s, was a passion. Under the Christmas tree, one year in my early teens, I discovered a Knight Ocean Hopper Kit. After many cold solders, much consternation and loud radio screeches, my dad and I got the thing working. Then someplace around fourteen skiing, afterschool work and later girls became more important.
Now some fifty years later, Ham Radio and Glamping (camping in an Airstream) with my wife are my favorite experiences exceeded only when visiting my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter in California. QRP takes me back to a different time (yahI am reminiscing) and the old-time radio technology is fun to learn.
Ric Peterson KD8QNZ
Current MIQRP Bagman